Wednesday, March 19, 2008

MY STORY.......

Just another Day at School
Today in French class we were talking about how teachers judge kids based on their clothing just like students judge other students. I found this to be shocking even though when I think about it I realize that it is part of human nature to judge others. I don’t know maybe in my mind I see teachers as pure moral beings. Another reason that I feel that teachers have some sort of superior persona is the fact that they have supernatural powers. Teachers can hear the slightest whisper and have super sight. Like today in Creative Writing some kids were talking about something in the corner of the room and the teacher heard exactly what they were saying. I was right next to her and I didn’t hear any of what the students were blabbing about, I was amazed at her powers. An example of teacher super sight is how teachers can see kids on their cell phones texting across the room. It seems like a kid will be using his or her phone and a second later the teacher will be behind them with her hand out waiting to take it away. Back to the main point though I thought teachers were supposed to be nonjudgmental and to see the good in everyone. My teacher went on to say that the number one thing teachers notice is when a girl dresses trashy. This discussion today kind of reminded me of back in sixth grade when my teacher asked me about my girlfriend. She then went on to tell me that her and the other teachers were talking about me and my new girlfriend at lunch that day. I was so surprised that teachers spent time talking about their students during lunch, I wonder if that stuff is still talked about today among the high school teachers? Well today has been a reflective day thinking about the past and the present. It’s weird how all these past memories are floating into my head at the same time. Well this is enough for today, over and out.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Written In March by William Wordsworth
The cock is crowing,The stream is flowing,The small birds twitter,The lake doth glitterThe green field sleeps in the sun;The oldest and youngestAre at work with the strongest;The cattle are grazing,Their heads never raising;There are forty feeding like one!Like an army defeatedThe snow hath retreated,And now doth fare illOn the top of the bare hill;The plowboy is whooping—anon-anon:There's joy in the mountains;There's life in the fountains;Small clouds are sailing,Blue sky prevailing;The rain is over and gone!

I picked this poem because it is simple and has good rhythm. I also like the fact that the poem reminds you of being on a farm and the wholesome life farmers lead.
March is the time of year when winter starts to come to an end and the grass starts to show through patches of melted snow. It is also when animals start to become more active and that things start to pick up around the farm.
In William’s poem he uses personification to emphasis the changes around the farm. An example of this is when he says “The green field sleeps in the sun.” This is personification because he is giving the field the human quality of sleeping. He also uses a lot of imagery in his poem to share with the reader how excited these changes make him feel. This poem would not be as good if he hadn’t added these image devices.
The tone of my poem is happy and joyous. He is happy that winter is finally over and that he can start working outside on the farm. His rhyming and his chose of adjectives communicates his overzealous attitude towards the coming of the spring.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


My daily writing life is........

I am a very creative person but I often have a hard time expressing myself through my writing. Maybe this problem stems from the fact that I do not write that much, lets just say that I would rather read then write. I like to read mystery novels and interesting biographies. When I am forced to write, I tend to write about my past experiences. I would like to think I lead an interesting life.

Something to think about........

Last night I was watching the caucuses on CNN and I was very intrigued about what was happening. It was very intense sitting there and watching as Obama’s Texas percentages came closer and closer to Hillary’s. I was very angry this morning when I woke up and read that Hillary took both Texas and Ohio. I was hoping that Obama would destroy Hillary’s chances of becoming the democratic nominee. Sorry to all of you who like Hillary but I don’t feel that she has what it takes to become the next president. Yes, she does have more political experience then Obama but she’s sometimes very vague about what she is going to change if she does become president and at what rate her changes will take place.