Monday, February 25, 2008


Writing my play was.........
I found writing a play to be surprisingly enjoyable. It actually was a very easy thing to do. When I finished my play I was very proud of what I had accomplished even though my play was not as good as some of the other ones I heard in class. My favorite part about the play writing experience was to hear what other people wrote. It is amazing how we all have such different ideas but I did find the girl meets boy type of play to be repetitive.

Ten year olds need to know........
If I were to give advice to a ten year old I would tell them not to do drugs and to wear their seatbelt while riding in the car. I would also talk to them about the importance of seizing every opportunity in life. You only live once so you have to make your life exciting and live it as if each day was your last one. These pieces of advice would be based off my own personal experiences and those of the people around me. I would also talk to them about the importance of taking high school seriously. In order to go places in life you usually need to get a good college education. In order to get the good college education you need to do well in high school.

Memorable plays need........
I don’t for see myself writing something that will last forever. You have to writing an amazing work of art in order for it to be remembered for generation. I don’t know how people can write pieces that our so memorable or what makes them memorable. I wish I could answer these questions but I feel there is a psychological reason for why some people are drawn to specific theatrical pieces. If people can relate to something they feel the need to refer back to it every time they feel the need to remind themselves of their morals.


Kara M said...

Jake! great responses i totaly agree with your idea about sleep belts. youngsters need to learn this over suffer tyeh concesquences

Annie said...

I like your advice about taking high school seriously. So many people don't and not doing so can really affect you later on in life. Not to do drugs and to wear a seatbelt are always good peices of advice as well.